"The nations shall know that I am the Lord,” says the Lord God, “when I am hallowed in you before their eyes." ~ Ezekiel 36:23

Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm the NRA and I'm your neighbor.

It cracks me up when politicians like Bloomberg pontificate on "how to defeat the NRA".  What are we, another country?

The NRA is an O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N of Americans who enjoy guns.  We are an armed organization; but its not like we have monthly drills, uniforms, common weapons, jets or anything; I don't even usually read the member magazine.

Here's a surprise; the NRA is made up of Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Green Partiers (they don't use red cups), persons of all races, creeds and countries of origin!

Seriously though, America has much more fierce foes at hand, like the AARP, the IRS and the NEA.  Let's get real, America.

I'm the NRA and I'm your neighbor.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

school violence

The Real Root of School Violence

Sandy Hook Shooting: Active Shooter Drill Confirmed By Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of False Flag Operation

put away the past

Facebook is a wonderful place, bringing family and friends together for a moment to share our pictures and  videos, our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and tragedies, our like and dislikes.  Along with friends and family, we can view a variety of pages put together by others who share common bonds.  There are a couple of Facebook pages that I like for their pictures and puns, their humor and their punditry, but I have to admit to a tad bit of distress over the prolific use of the Confederate battle flag, the Stars and Bars.

I'm about as "Good 'Ole Boy" as is allowed by law these days, but in reality, the battle flag of our youth, once a symbol of courageous rebellion, is generally now used as prod of bigotry and hate.  In my humble opinion, it is time to put this archaic symbol of a bygone era to rest where it belongs, in the museums and history books.

There are many better ways to show our "Southern Pride" than this symbol that has long served its purpose as a fierce symbol of independence and aristocracy.  We can share our manners, our gentleness and our pride in a work ethic now quickly being washed away in a tide of slothfulness.  We can demonstrate our unique flavor through our wonderful southern dishes and our strength through courage in the face of cowardice and steadfastness where weaker souls waver in the slightest breeze.

We are Americans, from California to North Carolina, from Florida to South Dakota, from Arkansas to New York, from Texas to Pennsylvania, we are one nation, under God.

We may cry for secession in distress and dismay over the lunacy from the folks in the federal offices in Washington, D.c., but we must honestly admit that it is a civic fault, that of our selves, our neighbors, our families, our co-workers, our brothers and sisters, that put these government workers in places of power and that it will take a mass effort of sanity to remove the chaos and return America to her former glory days.  It is probably not going to happen in my lifetime but I pray that our children and grandchildren will see the light of truth and pave the road for a better tomorrow.

"The South" will not rise again and that's a good thing. Its past time to put the Stars and Bars away and together, wave Old Glory.

May God bless America, one more time.

Friday, January 11, 2013

When an open  minded person hears something contrary to their personal belief system, they seek out the truth.  When a closed minded person hears something contrary to their personal belief system, they insult the messenger and proclaim their superiority.  Which are you?  Which am I?

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

5 myths concerning "gun control"

Four facts, a bit of personal opinion, a smattering of soap boxing, but an essay worth reading by all, especially if you are, or are preparing to step into the current anti-gun hysteria.

Gun myths busted: Automatic weapons, buying guns online, background checks, assault rifles and other fictions of the liberal media

Especially of note is "Myth #5".  The Second Amendment was designed to protect the citizens of the United States from the possible tyranny of the newly created federal government.  This has never been more important than now, as we prepare to embark upon a fusillade of freedom repressing legislation and executive action.

Our founders, fresh from a scrape with the King of England, and personally having experienced the hands of oppression, were naturally distrustful of the potential abuse of power from our experimental new government.  The experiment continues and we are seeing the signs of repression coming at us with increasing velocity.

I urge you to invest the time to read (or re-read) The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America, and, if you can get your hands on one, any historical textbook (printed before 1960) or any collection of texts by any of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Invest the time to get a fresh, renewed perspective of how this country came to be and the fundamental reasons for its success (to date).  Those fundamental causes of success are under increasing fire from our President and from the existing federal establishment.

In this season of sound bite news, alarming acceptance of "internet truth" and a decreasing attention spans, it is critical that we seek the truth and avoid the looming "freedom cliff".  Put down your (ironically termed) Smart Phone and look up!  There is a world of truth outside of your 4" screen.

If you have not discerned it by now, with a trifle of digging, you will discover that the President, the members of Congress, and the government as an entity do not have your personal best interest at heart.  Their concerns are money and power, generated by votes coddled from "warm fuzzy" and "Where's mine?" recipients of government largesse.

It will only take one or two Supreme Court appointments of liberal Justices to throw out the Second Amendment and to reduce or freedoms to pre-Revolutionary War status.   At least one of those appointments will occur during Barack Obama's second term.